Yesterday our oldest, E, had his First Grade program. It was really cute. Those kids were all so cute I just wanted to take them home with me. And quite a few of them were in my first preschool class so it was fun to get to see them again. Anyway, they sang some cute songs and then had a little saying and a couple of songs for each month that they are in school. Then they showed a slide show with pictures of the kids. It was cute. E did a good job although he kept playing with his belt, and his nose, and wiggling.... he's definitely all boy! Here are some pics, although they didn't turn out very well. We are so proud of our little cutie!
Winter Palooza
10 years ago
It was a cute program. I thought they behaved very well for 1st graders! I sure can't get Aust to sit still that long at home!
Looks like a fun program